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    VTeam Group Awarded by Asian Banker Again

    Time:2023-09-18 Author:VTeam

    On 28th July, 2023, Future Finance China 2023, a forum hosted by Asian Banker took place in Beijing. During the forum, China Awards Programme 2023 winners were announced.

    The purpose of China Awards Programme by Asian Banker is to commend those financial insHtuHons who stand out in special contribuHons in the financial industry in China. It is the most reputable and professional financial award in Asia Pacific.

    ConHnued from 2022 when VTeam Group was awarded “China Best Digital Trade Finance PlaMorm” by Asian Banker, VTeam Group was once again awarded “Best Business Ecosystem PlaMorm IniHaHves in China”. Mr. Yang Mei Chang, special assistant to chairman, received the award on behalf of VTeam Group. VTeam is the only supply chain enHty in China received such awards from Asian Banker two years in a row.


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