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  • Core Business

    AI Digital Platforms

    Based on exceptional technical expertise and effective resource integration in the field of AI digital platforms, the VTeam Group has provided national ministries and commissions, provincial and municipal governments, anchor enterprises and relevant overseas institutions with one-stop, all-encompassing fintech solutions and financial services.

    We have built up 38 SCF platforms to facilitate SME financing

    To address critical challenges in the supply chain finance industry and provide convenient financing channels for SMEs in China and abroad, the VTeam Group has worked with Chinese government agencies, provincial and municipal governments anchor enterprises as well as relevant overseas countries to establish 38 innovative online supply chain finance and investment & financing platforms.

    >>>   Government Platforms

    To fully leverage government advantages to help SMEs across various provinces and cities in China grow more steadily and robustly, the VTeam Group has integrated local resources in collaboration with provincial and municipal governments, associations, and industrial parks. Through these efforts, we have built fair and open investment & financing platforms for SMEs, enabling enterprises and financial institutions to benefit from multi-channel, multi-functional, multi-level, and comprehensive investment & financing services.

    At present, the VTeam Group has established investment & financing platforms for SMEs in collaboration with national ministries and commissions, provincial governments such as the People’s Government of Hubei Province, municipal and prefecture-level governments, industry associations and industrial parks. These platforms have greatly promoted the development of the local SMEs.

    >>>   Anchor Enterprise Platforms

    Supply chain finance is a comprehensive financial service targeted at anchor enterprises and their upstream suppliers and downstream customers, as it is based on the characteristics of the industry and the transaction process and centered on the anchor enterprises of the supply chain.

    The VTeam Group cooperates with leading enterprises in various industries. Based on the characteristics of these industries, we integrate the transaction data of upstream suppliers and downstream customers to provide comprehensive financial services for all enterprises on the supply chain network. This allows us to offer SMEs cost-effective and easily accessible financing solutions.

    Major Products

    >>>   Provincial and Municipal Government and Enterprise Investment & Financing Service Platform

    To fully leverage government advantages to help SMEs across various provinces and cities in China grow more steadily and robustly, the VTeam Group has integrated local resources in collaboration with provincial and municipal governments, associations, and industrial parks. Through these efforts, we have built fair and open investment & financing platforms for SMEs, enabling enterprises and financial institutions to benefit from multi-channel, multi-functional, multi-level, and comprehensive investment & financing services.

    >>>   Supply Chain Finance Platform with Anchor Enterprise

    By integrating trade and financing services, the VTeam Group build a bond among anchor enterprises, suppliers, and financial institutions. This approach enhances their reliance on the anchor enterprise platform, facilitates the development of a comprehensive supply chain network, and ensures that all parties within this network benefit from the platform.

    >>>   Global Online Financing Platform

    The Global Online Financing Platform is an overseas investment & financing platform dedicated to providing easily accessible financing solutions for overseas Chinese enterprises. With the support of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the VTeam Group was designated the only operator of the platform. Collaborating with the relevant institutions in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia, we have successfully established financing platforms for each of these five countries respectively.

    Easy Loans, a product series of the Global Online Financing Platform, includes development loans, project loans, equipment loans, M&A loans, and trade finance. It provides overseas Chinese enterprises with the working capital they need for various stages of business operations, from company establishment, factory construction, and material procurement to day-to-day operations.

    Target Customers

      Overseas Chinese enterprises or their affiliates, which have collaterals or transact with local or overseas enterprises

    Product Highlights

      Diversified, customized and low-cost financing services, facilitating trade business with China-based enterprises by providing trade financing solutions

      Fast and efficient services via the online platform

      All of application & transaction process via the platform without the restrictions of time and space

  • VTeam Financial Service Group ©     鄂公网安备 42018502002196号    鄂ICP备: 12009823号-4;鄂ICP备: 12009823号-5;鄂ICP备: 12009823号-6   技术支持:爱牛网络
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